Setting Up a Custom Triage
The Investigation Dashboard provides an organized view of custom triages across Investigation Dashboard sections. Under each of these sections, such as that of Events and Incidents, custom triages are distinctly categorized beneath the System Triage heading, allowing for efficient identification and differentiation.
Setting up a custom triage in D3 allows users to efficiently organize and categorize data, enabling quicker identification, prioritization, and response to actionable items. For demonstration purposes, a custom triage for incidents will be created.
Drag the table's column headers into the Saved Searches field to define groupings.
Observe the number of groupings reflected in a hierarchical structure, aligned with the order in which the attributes are positioned within the Saved Searches field.
Click on the button next to the Incidents accordion.
Create the custom triage.
Input a unique custom triage name.
(Optional) Share this triage.
Click on the Create button.
The and arrows indicate sort order.
indicates the current sort order is ascending, while indicates it is descending.
Clicking on incident attributes within the Saved Searches field will modify the corresponding arrows (pointing up, down, or no arrow) and adjust the order of groupings (accordions in the table).
Clicking on incident attributes within the table headers will adjust the corresponding arrows and alter the sorting of items within groups (nested items inside the accordions). A Columns Sorting section will render within the Edit Triage popup when sorting is applied in either ascending or descending order.
Observe the newly created custom triage.
Users can now return to this custom triage from any other view.