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Setting Up Access Controls



Access control is a critical component of D3's SOAR platform, enabling tailored permissions and secure collaboration. This guide provides a quick overview to help new users configure and use access controls effectively.

Access Controls in D3

D3's SOAR platform employs role-based and predefined access controls at the Incident, Stage, or Task level. Users can define access rules for five assignee types: Users, Groups, Role, Owner, and Investigators. The diagram to the right illustrates the platform's access control hierarchy.

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What to Do with D3 Access Controls?

Here are some examples of what users can achieve with D3's access control system:

  • Assign one user to manage specific incidents while another manages stages or tasks

  • Allow a group to access all incidents of a particular type, such as phishing or malware

  • Grant a user permissions to modify a particular incident playbook

  • Restrict investigators to view-only access for specific incidents or tasks

Getting Started

Begin by configuring user roles and groups to establish access controls.

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