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Playbook Library



The Playbook Library provides pre-built templates tailored to common cybersecurity threat investigation scenarios. Users can leverage these templates to streamline playbook creation.

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Accessing the Playbook Library

There are two ways to access the playbook library.

On the playbook landing page

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Preprocessing Playbooks (or Investigation Playbooks).

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  2. Click on the View Playbook Library button.

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Within a playbook

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Preprocessing Playbooks (or Investigation Playbooks).

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  2. Click into a playbook.

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  3. Click on the Group 38.png button beside the task menu.

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Using a Template

  1. Use the left-hand menu to browse through different categories.

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  2. Click on a playbook card to open its template.

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  3. Observe and use the template as needed.

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    1. Hover over a task node, then click on the the icon to copy a single task.
      Refer to Pasting Template Tasks for instructions on pasting a task onto the playbook canvas.

    2. Click on the button export the entire template playbook as an XML file.

How can a playbook be imported?


  • Playbooks must be imported as their respective types.

  • Attempting to import a playbook into the wrong category (e.g. importing an investigation playbook as a preprocessing playbook) is not allowed.

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  1. Navigate to Configuration > Investigation Playbooks (or Preprocessing Playbooks).

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  2. Click the Group 54.png button.

  3. Click on the Browse button.

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  4. Select the XML file.

  5. Click on the Import button.

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Pasting Template Tasks

  1. Open a playbook.

    Frame 82 (4)-20241227-201256.png
  2. Right-click on the playbook canvas, then click on the Paste task here button (or press Ctrl + V).


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